Top 3 Things to DO to Achieve the EXIT PRICE YOU WANT

 Top 3 Things to DO to Achieve the EXIT PRICE YOU WANT

1) The actual time frame for exiting your business with a sale is 12 to 18 months when done correctly. Transferring a business through deal making is a complicated process based on leverage, skill and will. Preparing prior to the sale, is what will get you to your ultimate goal and there are no short cuts to getting the highest price. Therefore, a seller just saying they are ready to sell, is surely not getting you the price you want. This preparation starts with assessing the market value because the market doesn't care that you are ready to retire or sell. Key point..Something that has a price value today will surely change tomorrow and that can be for better or worse. Don't get caught on the down cycle.

2) GROWTH - GROWTH - GROWTH - Having a current growth strategy will increase your value and curb appeal. Yes, this will take some effort on your part but with today's efficiency tools this can be achieved in a reasonable time frame. Done correctly this will make you money in the short term and increase the company value for when you sell. Selling a growth story is gold when selling your company. Consider an advisor that offers both of these dual track strategies to achieve a successful sale.

3) Hire an expert to get the exit price you want. To make a mistake here is a catastrophic event this late in the game. For one, if you hire an inferior advisor you could be locked in for 15 months of hell. Two, saving 1 or 2% on someone who will not sell your company, is short sighted at best. If their company is saving you on the commission, they are cutting corners somewhere and probably not spending money on their marketing and selling costs. Deal experience, network, proper process, and confidentiality are what get deals done. The buyer and lenders work through advisors they trust. They are not comfortable buying companies from sellers who use inferior advisors and or sell themselves. Respect the buyer and lenders time and be prepared with a full marketing package that includes a valuation based on tax returns.

Event Dinner with Mick Feite - April 25th - 5:30pm - Will cover above topics


My Goodwill Value is Worth...?


Growth and Actions are the Tell - Curb Appeal